Description of the Park
"From wilderness to a new recreation area for southern Vienna" was the motto of the second Vienna International Garden Show in 1974. The garden show gave the Viennese authorities the unique opportunity of creating a large green area adjoining the gardens of Oberlaa health resort. Thermal sulphur springs were discovered in Oberlaa back in the eighteenth century. Visitors can now "take the waters" at the heart of an extensive park.
The 1974 Garden Show was designed by a team of international landscape gardeners led by the Frankfurt garden planner Erich Hanke. The site was an enormous collection of show gardens laid out in an extensive park landscape. Exotic, modern, nostalgic and droll concepts were realized, gardens for children and for old people. The central theme was undulating, meandering paths and lines, based in some areas on the circle. Today the area is a major recreation area for residents in the surrounding districts. The famous Oberlaa café and its cake shop are particularly popular attractions.